I responded to his query with the text below. I liked what I said because it brought clarity to me as well. I have felt this all along but never captured it. In the spirit of my response I now capture it. Why? Because it captures a part of "me" as I am tonight.
I too have a blog. It does not get updated much. A couple times a year, maybe. Nobody really knows it even exists. That is OK, because I write it for me. It acts as a clearing house for thoughts that need direction or clarification. Sometimes it is just to capture a feeling or emotion that I found precious and did not want to lose. It is a treasure chest of thoughts, in a way.
I have come to the conclusion that almost nothing written is found valuable to anyone but the writer. The best that can be hoped for, if one is seeking notoriety, is that someone will fleetingly find something we have written interesting. Even if it happened that something gains wide spread fame, it is short lived and soon forgotten.
It is only the things that are important to the writer personally that have value... memories... feelings... love... loss... conundrums... musings... and the like. I go back and read what I have written often and live again those times that are important to me. I spend time with my treasures.
Perhaps, it is less a blog that you need and more a storehouse for the preciousness that is you. This was the conclusion I came to when I asked myself the same question you pose today.